Well most of you know that I have a few serious passions, my family, my dogs, my projects and Jeeps. In September we bought a Jeep, the second that pulled into the drive way it became a distraction and this car project has suffered because of it. As well as being distracted, I've got a few other excuses but who cares, right?
Okay so for that update I mentioned... The past week or so I've been back to the project, the engine is now mounted and in place. I know it's not major progress but a lot of work went into it.
I think my last post was to get this thing rolling by the end of July. It may be obvious but that didn't happen. I still need wheels and tires, now that I have the correct steel for the suspension.
I promise that from now on I will update at least once a month, none of this 6 month crap.
Days until target debut: 165 days.
Updated with Picture
Damn You Jeep!!!